The discipline of phytopathology is a branch of science that studies the pathogens causing plant diseases, the mechanisms of disease causation, the transmission methods of pathogens, the metabolic responses of infected plants to diseases, and the methods of disease prevention. Today, due to anthropogenic effects, plant diseases are transferred from one point to another within borders and can cause pandemics, even though they would otherwise have limited impact as epidemics.
The most well-known example of this is the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV), which belongs to the Tobamovirus genus and is included in the Virgaviridae family. Due to the disease caused by ToBRFV, yield losses of up to 70% worldwide have been recorded.
Preventing potential yield losses, producing pathogen-free areas, and detecting infected plants before they reach fields, greenhouses, and all other production areas are crucial for sustainable agriculture. In this context, Argeto Vegetable Seeds Phytopathology Laboratory focuses on conducting tests on melon, watermelon, squash, pepper, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, and Armenian cucumber species using its innovative technologies, modern infrastructure, and expert staff. In the Phytopathology Laboratory, isolated plant pathogens are preserved in controlled environments, such as lyophilization and culture media, for years. Pathogens preserved in controlled environments are inoculated into candidate varieties using the mechanical inoculation method, and the symptoms developed by plants against diseases are calculated using the Disease Severity Index (DSI). In this way, resistant, tolerant, and susceptible varieties are identified. These studies are carried out in sterile cabinets, climate chambers, greenhouses, and field areas within our laboratory. Thus, the high-quality, productive, and disease-resistant seeds produced by Argeto are shared with our stakeholders.